It seemed appropriate that I resumed my study of the Hebrew Alphabet in preparation for my immersion in the Creative Writing this year. I decided to retrace my steps a little, beginning with Zayin, the 7th letter, on the 7th day of the new year, which also fell on a Saturday. At this place on my path, I have ceased to be surprised at the apparent coincidences that Existence offers, but I am constantly delighted by the elegant play of synchronicity. I am reading and exploring notions around viewing the body as text, in particular the view of the tantric body as being inscribed by text.
I find links between symbolism, the Qaballah, Tantric teachings and Egyptian mysticism; I read that which I need to know, now; and I am given insights into the nature of duality and separation. I am inspired to offer these insights this month in a gentle EnergyWork and meditation experience that seeks to identify and reconnect with our separated selves.
I am only able to fit in a limited number of Individual Experiences this month, so contact me to book early.