Heart meditation
You will need 10-15 minutes, preferably at a regular time of the day, and when you can be alone. A good time is on rising, and/or before you go to bed (sunrise and sunset if possible).
You can be indoors or outdoors.
If you can, light a candle and some incense if you are indoors. If you put on any music, make sure that it is gentle and unobtrusive. Music made for meditation, reiki or healing is ok, or something with sounds of nature, water, bells and so on. Otherwise leave it out.
Sit comfortably. Begin by focussing on your breath. Breathe in, following your breath all the way into your belly. Feel your breath going in and out of your body. Focus on this, think of air. Notice the air in your body, keep following your breath. Think “I am air”. Feel your breath, feel the air outside your body, on your skin. Notice the temperature, the quality of the air around you. Breathe deeply but without straining.
Now bring your attention into the body, around your belly and your pelvis. Feel the heat in your belly, the heat that your body generates. Think “I am fire”. Feel the warmth in your body. Look at the flame of your candle, if you have lit one; feel the sun on your skin if you are outdoors. Visualise fire, flames – big ones, destructive ones, warming ones.
Think about the air in your body being carried throughout your body by your blood. Think of the water in your body, in your blood. You are around 68% water. Think “I am water”. Feel your breath, feel the warmth of your blood, feel the flow of water in your body. Think about water, rivers and streams, dams and the sea. If you have any water near you, look at it. Look at the dew on the grass, a puddle of water in the road, water in a glass.
Still breathing, feel how solid your body is. Feel your feet touching the earth, feel as though you are reaching through your feet into the earth. Think “I am earth”. Touch the ground, if you wish. Think about rocks and stones and caves and soil. Look at the floor, or the ground.
Reach down with your breath, reach down through your feet into the earth. Bring a ball of energy from the earth up through your feet. Let it flow up your body, a ball of golden light, all the way up your body and up through the top of your head.
Reach up, now, above your head, and bring a ball of silver energy down through the top of your head, all the way down your body, through your feet. Do this a few times, until you feel that the silver and golden energy are one, and you can no longer distinguish between them.
Now take all of this energy and let it rest in your heart area. Hold your hands over your heart, and feel how it expands to contain this energy. Feel that you are this energy. Think “I am spirit”, then think “I am love”. Allow this energy to expand as much as you can. If you feel any sadness or pain, allow this – simply breathe in the feeling, taking it into your heart; then allow it to pass out of your heart on the outbreath – and do the same with your joy.
Give thanks for the body in which you are experiencing this Earth Walk; give thanks for the difficult experiences that have brought you to this time and space, for they have enriched your being. Envision a world where there is no need to experience pain and suffering in order to learn; where laughter and joy, abundance and love are all that there is (think only positive thoughts here, focussing on that which you desire as if it already exists)
When you are done with this, bring yourself back into your body. Finish by witnessing your breath, witnessing your body, witnessing yourself in time and space.