Sunday, 8 January 2012

Inscribing the body as text

It seemed appropriate that I resumed my study of the Hebrew Alphabet in preparation for my immersion in the Creative Writing this year. I decided to retrace my steps a little, beginning with Zayin, the 7th letter, on the 7th day of the new year, which also fell on a Saturday. At this place on my path, I have ceased to be surprised at the apparent coincidences that Existence offers, but I am constantly delighted by the elegant play of synchronicity. I am reading and exploring notions around viewing the body as text, in particular the view of the tantric body as being inscribed by text.
I find links between symbolism, the Qaballah, Tantric teachings and Egyptian mysticism; I read that which I need to know, now; and I am given insights into the nature of duality and separation. I am inspired to offer these insights this month in a gentle EnergyWork and meditation experience that seeks to identify and reconnect with our separated selves.
I am only able to fit in a limited number of Individual Experiences this month, so contact me to book early.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


They try to say what you are, spiritual or sexual?
They wonder about Solomon and all his wives.

In the body of the world, they say, there is a soul
and you are that.

But we have ways within each other
that will never be said by anyone.
 (Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks)

In this 3-hour long Group Experience, we explore methods or technologies within tantric traditions that are intended to transform body and self, looking at the different levels of practice that we can bring into our lives. Using a combination of methods and techniques, we reconnect our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We keep one-sided talking, or instruction, to a minimum, allowing maximum time for  interactive exercises using music, breath and movement. The evening finishes with a question and answer session during which we will particularly concentrate on ways to use the life transforming practices developed within tantric traditions.
If you are interested in finding out more about tantra, or body-based healing and transformational practices, this Group Experience is for you. Those who are on a path of exploration and who have some expertise, will be able to enjoy the experience to greater depth. In short, wherever you are a sincere immersion into the practices offered will take you exactly where you need to go!
This Group Experience is the first in a series of 4 evening sessions leading up to the Tantric Touch Session on Friday 16 December 2011. Participants wishing to attend all, or more than one, of the evening sessions will receive a discount.
Dakini Shekina will be assisted by Dakas Don Dreaming Eagle and SynJyn. Together we will create a safe space for your exploration and experience.
Cost: R300 per person (speak to us about discounts offered)
If you feel strongly to attend, but have financial constraints, please talk to us.
Refreshments provided
Contact us on;
Call Shekina on +27741345179

Dare to Be: Group Experiences in December 2011

tantra cannot be understood because tantra is not an intellectual proposition: it is an experience
(Bhagavan Shree Rajneesh)
I looked up from my own journey to find that December is upon us. The teachers, Dakinis and Dakas are either setting off for Cape Town, or are already there, preparing to enjoy a delightful immersion into meeting, sharing, practising, teaching and learning with their peers. Most of them, that is: a few of us remain.
In response to a question: “What about Johannesburg?” we offer a series of evening Group Experiences covering a variety of topics around Tantra, sexuality, relationships and love. Each Group Experience includes a short, informative talk; the opportunity for questions and answers; and an interactive exercise using breath and movement. We can promise that it will be fun, but warn that it may lead to serious inquiry (at best), or catalyse shifts (even better).
Saturday 3 December 19:00 – 22:00, R300, Shakti Gardens
Tuesday 6 December 19:30-21:30, R200, Shakti Gardens
Friday 9 December 19:00-22:00, R300, Shakti Gardens
Monday 12 December 19:30-21:30, R200, Shakti Gardens
Friday 16 December 11:00-16:00, R600, Shakti Gardens
Saturday 17 December, Sunday 18 December: An Elemental Journey in the Cradle of Humankind (prices, details on application – attendance of one or more of the evening Group Experiences a requirement)

All Experiences are offered with Universal Love, using the energies of the elements, Tantric teachings and practices.
Email for more information, or to book. Also check out

Dakini Shekina conducts explorations (sessions) for individuals, couples and groups. Currently these are offered at Shakti Gardens in Franklin Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg and at her country retreat in the Cradle of Humankind near Krugersdorp and the Sterkfontein Caves. Shekina also does extended explorations (2-3 days) and retreats.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Business and harmony


Listening  to Wayne Dwyer’s discussion of the Tao Te Ching, I receive the reminder  to live without fighting, choosing to cooperate with apparent opposition. In his explanation and discussion of the 68th verse, Wayne suggests that we apply the principles outlined to all forms of contest, including that with illness. Instead of fighting the illness, he suggests that we speak to the “faulty” cells in our bodies, asking them to move on if they are unable to live with us in harmony and health.
Paraphrasing Mr Dwyer, my partner, SynJyn, offers this in the business context: “If you insist on doing business with me (us), I ask you to do so in harmony, with respect and offering fair and timeous payment; should you not be able to do this, I invite you to take your business elsewhere.”
I am conscious of the many times that I have engaged, in a business context, in situations that are unhealthy. I work long hours, compromising my health and setting aside all other pursuits and interests; incur expenditure in the completion of the projects; and then find that my client is unable, or unwilling, to pay me as agreed. The financial repercussions have been severe and cumulative.
What arises for me out of this is an enquiry into my own relationship with money, which in turn arise from the root principles or truths that govern my life. I begin with the acceptance of what is, to me, a simple reality: I have basic needs, in my earthly incarnation, for a place to stay, food, clothing and material goods. In providing for myself, I offer goods and services to others for which I receive a financial exchange. When I ask others for goods and services, I must, in turn, proffer the financial exchange that they request.
So it is, that when I enter into a business relationship, I wish for a transparency and a genuine intent by all parties to keep their agreements. If I am providing the service, I undertake to do this at the highest level possible, with integrity and in truth, asking for what I consider a fair exchange in return. I also ask that the vibration of the relationship is maintained at the highest level possible, with all involved communicating in a clear, cordial and respectful manner. Then, of course, the transaction is concluded once I have delivered the goods and/or services, and I am paid in accordance with our agreements.
I am well aware that there are many reasons why the very last part of the agreement, i.e. timeous payment, is not kept. Sometimes the purchaser may have every good intention of paying, be willing to pay and even be distressed by their inability to pay, but be in a position where the funds are simply not available.  My questions around this are: Did you know that you did not have the money? Did you have the money but spent it on something else? Did you order more than you could pay for? Were you reckless in purchasing something from me, and perhaps from others at the same time, for which you did not have the funds?
I had an experience recently where a client, after receiving the goods and services, told me that he “was not able to get a loan from the bank…” Months have passed and I have resorted to litigation in an attempt to get paid. My client ordered goods and services from me (and several others) knowing that he would not be able to meet his obligations to pay our invoices on completion of the job. Over and above this, he did not know when, or even if, he would be in a position to meet his obligations. So, without my permission, he took my time, expertise and energy. Along with this he took my peace of mind and my connection with bliss.
After a restless night during which my half asleep mind was full of the injustices meted out to me and my business partner, finally waking with dreams of theft and addiction, I rose feeling unhappy and tired. The discord of this particular situation resonates with that of similar past situations that I was not able to resolve satisfactorily – the cumulative effect of which leaves me exactly where I am right now.
What do I do?
I cease to struggle. I cannot compel another to meet their obligations, or even to see the truth of what those are. I can, however, look at those areas in my life where I have incurred financial obligations and ensure that I do my utmost to settle them in a fair and just manner. As my relationship with money becomes healthier I am clear about the terms of exchange, choosing to do business with people who are equally open and transparent in their dealings. As I let go of guilt and shame around asking for and receiving money, it is easy to set a fair price for my goods and services – and then stick to this. Conversely I am careful of how I spend money, examining my motivation for each purchase, and then paying for it with an open and glad heart.
Then, perhaps, the vibration that I create will surround me in such a way that all of my transactions will be harmonious and serving the good of all parties.
As I write this, I feel the peace of the Tao enter my being.
I choose, today, to live in harmony with myself and the Multiverse.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Emerging into spring

Everything has cycles, the seasons change, the elements move through and around us. Experience a healing, clearing and awakening EnergyWork session with Shekina as we move into the season of spring.
The session duration is from 1 to 2 hours at R500 or R1000, at Shakti Gardens in Johannesburg, only for a few days this week. We will use conventional massage techniques, breath, hot stones, sound and tantric touch to remove that which you no longer need, freeing your body, mind and soul. Using the healing and transformative power of universal Qi, we change our vibration and patterns so that we are able to heal, manifest and create the life that we desire.
All of this from one session? Well, perhaps you may decide to come back for more, but this will be a good start!
Call Shekina on 0741345179 to book now!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Heart Meditation

Heart meditation

You will need 10-15 minutes, preferably at a regular time of the day, and when you can be alone. A good time is on rising, and/or before you go to bed (sunrise and sunset if possible).
You can be indoors or outdoors.

If you can, light a candle and some incense if you are indoors. If you put on any music, make sure that it is gentle and unobtrusive. Music made for meditation, reiki or healing is ok, or something with sounds of nature, water, bells and so on. Otherwise leave it out.

Sit comfortably. Begin by focussing on your breath. Breathe in, following your breath all the way into your belly. Feel your breath going in and out of your body. Focus on this, think of air. Notice the air in your body, keep following your breath. Think “I am air”. Feel your breath, feel the air outside your body, on your skin. Notice the temperature, the quality of the air around you. Breathe deeply but without straining.

Now bring your attention into the body, around your belly and your pelvis. Feel the heat in your belly, the heat that your body generates. Think “I am fire”. Feel the warmth in your body. Look at the flame of your candle, if you have lit one; feel the sun on your skin if you are outdoors. Visualise fire, flames – big ones, destructive ones, warming ones.

Think about the air in your body being carried throughout your body by your blood. Think of the water in your body, in your blood. You are around 68% water. Think “I am water”. Feel your breath, feel the warmth of your blood, feel the flow of water in your body. Think about water, rivers and streams, dams and the sea. If you have any water near you, look at it. Look at the dew on the grass, a puddle of water in the road, water in a glass.

Still breathing, feel how solid your body is. Feel your feet touching the earth, feel as though you are reaching through your feet into the earth. Think “I am earth”. Touch the ground, if you wish. Think about rocks and stones and caves and soil. Look at the floor, or the ground.

Reach down with your breath, reach down through your feet into the earth. Bring a ball of energy from the earth up through your feet. Let it flow up your body, a ball of golden light, all the way up your body and up through the top of your head.

Reach up, now, above your head, and bring a ball of silver energy down through the top of your head, all the way down your body, through your feet. Do this a few times, until you feel that the silver and golden energy are one, and you can no longer distinguish between them.

Now take all of this energy and let it rest in your heart area. Hold your hands over your heart, and feel how it expands to contain this energy. Feel that you are this energy. Think “I am spirit”, then think “I am love”. Allow this energy to expand as much as you can. If you feel any sadness or pain, allow this – simply breathe in the feeling, taking it into your heart; then allow it to pass out of your heart on the outbreath – and do the same with your joy.

Give thanks for the body in which you are experiencing this Earth Walk; give thanks for the difficult experiences that have brought you to this time and space, for they have enriched your being. Envision a world where there is no need to experience pain and suffering in order to learn; where laughter and joy, abundance and love are all that there is (think only positive thoughts here, focussing on that which you desire as if it already exists)

When you are done with this, bring yourself back into your body. Finish by witnessing your breath, witnessing your body, witnessing yourself in time and space.


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The Mountain, the sea and a Sound Journey

Return to the Beloved
I had spent a few weeks in Cape Town working, meeting new friends, forging connections and learning. I was aware of an unusual amount of information streaming in – a downloading – and this was accompanied by intense experiences with others, sea and mountain. I returned with all of these, a jumble of threads and crystals and notes. I sat with a discord and tangle, not knowing where to begin to sort out this precious treasure.
I returned, experiencing a purging of body that mirrored the purging of emotions and spirit that had taken place on the mountain. The physical wrenching, the cleansing of my womb, echoed the struggle witnessed by wind and sea under the watchful eye of the dragon. I found some healing in the space of no-thing where I was shown that which is not and the magick of the formless. In that space there is no pain, no struggle, no gut-aching tearing. There is no need for loss or gain, having or losing, owning or sharing, or even joy and pain.
I live in the material world, where many of these things hold attachment for me, and my sojourn in the void did not solve my problem of the tangled threads and the jumbled crystals that both sparkled and sang. I was presented with a solution: a dear soul-friend, Chris Tokalon, was to lead a Sound Journey and kindly sent me details of the venue and times.
My first live Sound Journey! The garden setting was perfect; our hostess charming; the facilitators – Chris and Frances – skilful and gracious. My request to Great Spirit was for some structure, a melody perhaps, a forming and shaping of this mixed bag of experience, knowing and memory with which I had returned from Cape Town.
My first live Sound Journey was a merging of mind, body and spirit. The music connected me, reconnected me, with every facet of my being. I felt my body expand outward into my emotional body into each layer and outward again, reaching up and out and around. The music wove through me and about, each sound shaking and stirring, weaving and winding, threads reaching out and in and connecting until I existed in a sparkling web – I was the web, I was the jewel in the centre of the web, I was a jewel, I was the thread – and then I simply Was. I heard the name of the Beloved whispered in my ear: Shekina, Shekina, Shekina. I was able to rest there a moment, in that first time of Being the Beloved, I am that... Shekina, that which I am, am becoming, will be. “The answers lie in the spaces, look into the spaces”. I looked, for there they are: the shapes, the patterns in the spaces created by the star-light threads. My jumble of thread and crystal, now woven into the net of my being, hums gently in the night air. If I pluck a note I see the melody as the web scintillates in sound.
So it is, that I return with a star-studded web of light and sound to guide me on the next phase of this life journey. So it is that I return with the name of the Beloved on my lips.